10691 Cross Creek Blvd Tampa, FL 33647
(813) 994-2452

Benefits Of Learning Piano As A Child

There are numerous benefits to learning piano as a child. As with many abilities and skills, starting at a younger age contributes to an individual’s personal growth and understanding of a subject at a deeper level as certain elements become second nature. Meaning, what an adult brain processes as work and a memory activity, the child’s mind sees as a fun game and applies learned skills to a task instinctively. Introducing the piano to a child is comparable to teaching that child a language that all can understand, as it is a universal form of expression that resonates in a profound way. Evidence points to numerous benefits of learning Piano as a child, if a child plays piano: better vocabulary, as well as better reading abilities, and the overall IQ. To put it simply, playing the piano builds a skill set for life. 

In today’s unique educational environment where studying is done not just in a public-school setting, but often in solitude at home, recognizing that being alone is okay is very important. Extracurricular activities (sports, dance, etc.) offer a social setting. Whether it is a social setting at school (sports) or away from school (tutoring), there is always a guiding hand in learning. Practicing music requires self-reliance, because a student realizes that the work that he or she puts into their instrument yields a result. In many ways, it is a self-guiding process. A good piano teacher provides the tools for the child in order to learn quickly and be independent in the piano-verse. The ability to sit down, focus, and work on the age-old session of where practice makes perfect is a learned talent. Piano studying provides an avenue with both rewards: beautiful music making with a strong mindset. 

If you are looking for a piano teacher in Tampa, look at what the New Tampa Piano and Pedagogy Academy has to offer. Qualified faculty are always there to support any kind of learner, young or old, beginner or advanced. NTPPA’s piano teachers are performing artists and published scholars with impressive backgrounds. Specialty programs offer the study of the piano for a child learner with the intent to make music very understandable and purposefully detailed so that every lesson becomes a wonderful event with guaranteed progress. Students are placed in the program of piano study that best suits their age and learning needs. There are abundant performance opportunities that will contribute to the child’s academic excellence and growth as a musician. Teach a child to play piano, and see the difference that it makes!

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